On Mon, 2012-12-17 at 11:37 -0800, H. S. Teoh wrote:

> I haven't tried LDC yet, though I've heard good things about it. Maybe I
> should check it out sometime.

I checked out the Git repository and build master/HEAD, but then I am an
unstable, bleeding-edge kind of person.

> Did you define main() in prog.d (or somewhere)? The second line of the
> output here seems to indicate that you didn't. I think the latest git
> dmd is patched so that a more helpful error message is provided in this
> case, but this unhelpful screenful of errors is what the current release
> dmd gives when main() isn't defined.

I will try and hide the fact that I was a complete muppet and failed to
have a main function in prog.d.

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