
Rust designers seems to love really short keywords, this is in my opinion a bit silly. On the other hand in D you have keywords like "immutable" that are rather long to type. So I prefer a mid way between those two.

They aren't silly, they're consistent. We have int, char, auto,
they have fn, var, and val which are common these days, why not
mut, pub, and priv?

They are a bad design choice. Using very shortened identifiers/names is acceptable only when they are very common (time ago I even suggested in D to use "str" as in Python, instead of "string"). "mut", "pub", and "priv" optimize the wrong thing.

There are of cases where D goes too much far (like "std.random.randomShuffle" or "schwartSort" in Phobos, or "immutable" among the keywords) but in general the naming choice of D is better than Rust.

Rust supports several types of pointers. The simplest is the unsafe pointer, written *T, which is a completely unchecked pointer type only used in unsafe code (and thus, in typical Rust code, very rarely).

(This wasn't a quotation from me)


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