On Tuesday, 18 December 2012 at 15:27:07 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On 12/18/2012 07:52 AM, Xinok wrote:
While Smoothsort may be mathematically sound, it simply doesn't translate well to computer hardware. It's a variant of heap sort which requires a great deal of random access, whereas Timsort is a variant of merge sort which is largely sequential and benefits from the CPU cache. Furthermore, the Leonardo heap is much more computationally expensive than a typical binary or ternary heap.

... but I would guess that given the O(1) memory requirements it probably scales much better to sorting really, really large data, no?

Heap sort actually performs really well if the entirety of the data is small enough to fit into the CPU cache. But on larger data sets, heap sort is jumping all over the place resulting in a significant number of cache misses. When a block of memory is stored in cache, it doesn't remain there for long and very little work is done on it when it is cached. (I mention heap sort because the leonardo heap of smoothsort is still very computationally expensive)

Although merge sort is O(n), it's sequential nature results in far fewer cache misses. There are three blocks of memory being operated on at anytime: the two blocks to be merged, and a temporary buffer to store the merged elements. Three (or four) small pieces of memory can be sorted in the cache without any cache misses. Furthermore, thanks to the divide-and-conquer nature of merge sort, fairly large sublists can be sorted entirely in the CPU cache; this is even more so if you parallelize on a multi-core CPU which has a dedicated L1 cache for each CPU. Merge sort can be further optimized by using insertion sort on small sublists... which happens entirely in the CPU cache...

Another way to put it, merge sort is an ideal algorithm for sorting linked lists, and it was even practical for sorting large lists stored on tape drives.

Quick sort is a sequential sorting algorithm with O(log n) space complexity which is likely the reason it outperforms merge sort in most cases, albeit not being stable.

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