On 18.12.2012 14:32, Gor Gyolchanyan wrote:
Good day, fellow D developers.
After spending much time figuring out how to make DMD
work fluently under 64-bit Windows 7 I've realized that this is not a
trivial task and lots of people might have trouble with this, so I've
decided to post my solution, that might save people a lot of time.
As we know, there are compatibility problems with 32-bit DMD binaries,
because they are compiled using DMC back-end, which can only produce OMF
binaries, so in order to avoid problems with linking against externally
compiled libraries, it's much easier to stick to 64-bit binaries, so
that DMD will use the Visual Studio linker to produce compatible COFF
binaries. Another problem is that 32-bit DMD binaries are linked against
obsolete 32-bit WinAPI libraries, which lack some very important
functions, while the 64-bit binaries are required to link with the
64-bit libraries, supplied by the the Windows SDK.

And here's how this could be arranged:

1. Prepare your development folder.
1.1. Create a folder with no spaces in its full path.
1.2. Store its full path in the '%DEV_DIR_ROOT%' environment variable.
2. Get the Windows SDK.
2.1. Download the Windows SDK.
2.1.1. Navigate to
'http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/windows//bb980924.aspx' in a web browser.
2.1.2. Under section 2 (number '2' in a green circle) click on the bold
blue 'Install Now' link.
2.1.3. In the opened window click in the blue 'Download' button at the
bottom of the page.
2.1.4. Make sure, that the Windows SDK installer ('winsdk_web.exe') is
2.2. Install the downloaded Windows SDK.
2.2.1. Navigate to the folder, where the Windows SDK installer was
downloaded in a file browser.
2.2.2. Double-click on the installer and agree to security warnings to
launch it.
2.2.3. Click next, read and agree to the license until you reach the
'Install Locations' screen.
2..2.4. Store the path under 'Destination Folder for Tools' in the
'%DEV_DIR_MSWINSDK%' (e.g. 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft
SDKs\Windows\v7.0A') and click 'Next >'.
2.3.3. On the 'Installation Options' uncheck everything except 'x64
Libraries' and 'Visual C++ Compilers' and click 'Next >'.
2.3.4. Confirm that everything is correct and click 'Next >' to start
2.3.5. Make sure, tata the installation is completed succesfully.
2.3.6. Store the path to the installed Visual Studio C++ compiler into
the '%DEV_DIR_MSVC%' environment variable (e.g. 'C:\Program Files
(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC').
3. Get the DMD.
3.1. Navigate to 'http://ftp.digitalmars.com/dmd2beta.zip
<http://ftp.digitalmars.com/dmd2beta..zip>' in a web browser.
3.2. Make sure, that the DMD compiler archive ('dmd2beta.zip') is
3.3. Unzip the archive into '%DEV_DIR_ROOT%\Tools', so that the 'dmd2'
folder in the archive will end up in '%DEV_DIR_ROOT%\Tools\dmd2'.
3.4. Adapt the compiler configuration to the development environment.
3.4.1. Open the file '%DEV_DIR_ROOT%\Tools\dmd2\windows\bin\sc.ini' in a
text editor.
3.4.2. Replace the line with 'LIB=' with the line
3.4.3. Add '-m64 -L/NOLOGO' to  the 'DFLAGS' variable.
3.4.4. Remove the lines with 'VCINSTALLDIR=' and 'WindowsSdkDir='.
3.4.5. Replace the like with 'LINKCMD64=' with the line
Now "%DEV_DIR_ROOT%\Tools\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd.exe" will always use the
Windows SDK libraries and Visual C++ compiler to produce 64-bit COFF

I hope I was helpful, because when I started to set up a development
environment under 64-bit Windows 7, I went through a lot of problems to
get here and I'd love to have this HOWTO at that time.

Thanks for doing this. A few notes:

- I don't think it is the best idea to have two copies of the compiler to be able to compile for 32-bit and 64-bit targets. That's why I have suggested 2 different environment blocks in sc.ini, but the pull request has not been merged yet: https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/pull/1220

- With removing VCINSTALLDIR and WindowsSdkDir from sc.ini, you are disabling some magic in the linker invocation. I think this is good, the resulting settings should be in sc.ini. Please note that the environment variables can also be set in the shell environment already (e.g. when using the link to starting cmd.exe created by the SDK installer), setting them to blank might be a good idea.

- Most people will already have some other version of the linker and the SDK installed, e.g. as part of Visual Studio or VC++ Express. I think these should be supported aswell. I recently started creating a list of common installations but got distracted somehow.

- The Windows 8 SDK uses some other folder hierarchy.

- When building with debug information, the linker needs to load some DLLs to generate the PDB file. I had to modify the PATH environment variable in sc.ini as well to not get an error, i.e. 'PATH=%DEV_DIR_MSVC%\bin\amd64;%PATH%'

Gor Gyolchanyan.

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