An article about many of the design decisions behind the Go language. It's an excellent article even if you don't agree with some of those decisions:

I suggest all people interested in language design to read that article. Go is a simple language after all, so that page is never hard to understand.

One group of Go design decisions is about the strictness of its module system. One example of such strictness is that unused imports are a compilation error! (Another example is that Go module system does not allow cycles, and this is enforced both at compiler and linker level.)

Recently the good Andrej Mitrovic has closed this old diagnostic bug report of mine, marking it as dupe of another issue:

The bug report presents a case, composed of two modules:


// File name: foo.d
module bar;
enum int x = 10;


// File name: spam.d
module test;
import foo: x;
void main() {}


After the patch by Andrej Mitrovic dmd is expected to generate a longer and more refined error message:

spam.d(2): Error: module bar from file foo.d must be imported as module 'bar'

Is this error message meaning that the correct spam.d is like this?

// File name: spam.d
module test;
import bar: x;
void main() {}

But how can dmd/rdmd know the file name of the "bar" module if it's written no where? I guess they can't, so you have to give them the file name manually to the compiler, in some way.

I don't like all this. After almost three years since that bug report I still think that letting D accept module names different from their file names is a mess, it's a "flexibility" (as Walter said in an answer) mostly useful to confuse programmers. A price paid by everyone for few special situations.

That nice article about the Go language shows that in the long run and for larger projects a little bit more strictness is a better decision. Think having a large D project with 2000 or 20000 modules, where module names are randomly different from their file names.

If that naming flexibility Walter talks about is so essential, then I suggest to introduce a special way to get it without allowing in the general case module names to differ from their file names.


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