On 2012-12-21 19:31, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

What also would be nice is to have the methods inline, expandable.

Would that mean the Classes/Structs/... tables as f.ex. in std.datetime?
So there would be a small clickable thing and all members would fly out below 
it as direct links?
and possibly with the short description?
What about different kinds of members? Only methods, all grouped by type or all 
in one list?

I'm just asking because I don't have any preferences for how such a thing 
should look like.

I was mostly thinking of the free functions. Instead of going to a new page when clicking on a function it would just expand the same content inline. For classes and structs we might want to keep the separate page since it will contain additional members. But I'm not sure.

/Jacob Carlborg

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