On Friday, 4 January 2013 at 04:32:46 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
This is a misunderstanding and I confess I'm mildly miffed by it. The e-book is generated from the online documentation. $0.99 is the smallest price Amazon would allow any self-publication to be on their site. Some people (negligible as a source of income, but not few; the book makes it at times on top 100 bestseller list in its category) do find value in having the content on their Kindle, and are willing to pay one dollar for it, so there is value in having it there. To construe that as an awkward attempt to make money is quite a bit of a stretch.


Sorry, I didn't want to offend and I honestly never thought anyone was making money from it, I just never understood why it was on Amazon yet not on this website, so thanks for taking the time to explain why the e-book is on Amazon, it makes perfect sense now.

Perhaps an explanation such as "For your convenience, an e-book is available at Amazon ..." next to the fixed link is a good solution to prevent any possible misunderstandings.

No matter, I really do not want to get into this level of detail as it's of very limited significance right now. All I was attempting to point out was the need to move on with formalizing a process for managing the specification, and you've clearly acknowledged the desire to do exactly that. Once we have a better process in place, many old recurring problems will automatically go away.


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