On Friday, January 04, 2013 15:26:20 deadalnix wrote:
> On Thursday, 3 January 2013 at 00:59:04 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> > As always, when I try to do a release, problems crop up. For
> > example,
> > the github procedure agreed upon and outlined here:
> > 
> > http://wiki.dlang.org/Proposed_new_D_development_process#Release_a_new_ver
> > sion_of_D
> > 
> > Issues:
> > 
> > 1. you cannot have a tag and a branch with the same name. At
> > 
> > least, you cannot push them with:
> >     git push origin 2.N+1
> > 
> > because it's ambiguous. So I prepended a v to the tag name.
> Let's get a very practical case here. 2.061 have been released,
> and Kenji already fixed a bug in it (unreachable statement issue).
> Some people (including me, but I'm not the only one) would be
> interested by a new revision of dmd with that fix.
> It is why the proposal include branches as 2.N and revision as
> 2.N.M . So the same version of D, with bugfixes can be published.
> The branch has a 2.N form, the tag has a 2.N.M form.

And why would that particular bug get a release as opposed to another? Why 
wouldit be special? Or are you proposing that we do a 2.N.M release for every 
bug fix? That seems insane. Why wouldn't you just use master if you want the 

- Jonathan M Davis

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