On Sunday, 30 December 2012 at 22:02:16 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
The closest that we could get to what you suggest would be to add a new attribute similar to nothrow but which guarantees that the function does not return a ref to a parameter. So, you'd have to mark your functions that way (e.g. with @norefparamreturn). Maybe the compiler could infer it for templated ones, but this attribute would basically have to work like other inferred attributes and be marked manually in all other cases. Certainly, you can't have the compiler figuring it out for you in general, because D's compilation model allows the function being called to be compiled separately from (and
potentially after) the function calling it.

And when you think about what this attribute would be needed for, it gets a bit bizarre to have it. The _only_ time that it's applicable is when a function takes an argument by ref and returns the same type by ref. In all other cases, the compiler can guarantee it just based on the type system.

I realized just now that it's also applicable to member functions:
struct F
  int _i;
  ref int ser() { return _i; } // Needs to be marked as well

A struct's fields are implicit parameters in anything it returns.

Honestly though, I'm inclined to argue that functions which return by ref and have a ref parameter of that same type just be considered @system.

Structs mess that up as well:
struct S { int i; }
ref int d(ref S s)
  return s.i;

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