On 2013-01-04 21:33, Era Scarecrow wrote:

This is sorta like tuples; But from the brief summaries I cannot fully
understand how or where they would be used. I understand some attributes
can be made and added that some compilers may use (@noreturn as an
example), but outside of the compiler I'd need an example of how to make
use of them.

Since there's no runtime component, then aside from carrying a tuple and
some information forward at compile-time, what else can it do? How would
you use it? Are there any special tuple formats that give information to
automatically be included/compiled into the structs/classes without
having to resort to mixins?

It could be used for serialization, for example. Have a look at my serialization library, Orange.


Look at the "NonSerialized" template, that could now be replaced by a UDA. Like this:

class Foo
    int a;
    @NonSerialized int b; // will not be (de)serialized

/Jacob Carlborg

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