And then you're right back where we started; Andrei's original problem was how to just get a local copy of the latest and greatest upstream without having merge conflicts, which (if you don't have a separate local master) means using "git pull --rebase -s recursive -X ours".

But: "rebase -X ours" does not throw away all of your changes; it keeps the ones that can be cleanly merged. So what you end up with is "the latest and greatest plus SOME of my local changes", which might not be what you wanted.

(Also, git branches are not temptations to be resisted.)


"temptation to be resisted" is working on master branch instead of feature/bug branch, not git branches ;) Well, if you want to have a look at current upstream without merging - why not just checkout it in another temporary branch? I do not propose to get rid of master at all, just made an observation that it is easy to make small fix directly on master when it is hanging around so close.

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