On 2013-01-15 06:51, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
If r is a forward range but not better, this is rather simple:

R rfind(R, E)(R range, E element)
     for (;;)
         auto ahead = range.save.find(element);
         if (ahead.empty) return range;
         range = ahead;

That example creates an infinite loop. Needs a popFront:

    R rfind(R, E)(R range, E element)
        if (range.empty) return range;
        for (;;)
            auto ahead = range.save;
            ahead = ahead.find(element);
            if (ahead.empty) return range;
            range = ahead;

Another thing: if the element is not found, I think an empty range should be returned and not the whole range.

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