On 01/21/2013 07:03 PM, Stewart Gordon wrote:

So in your mind, a 2D image is not a picture, but just a representation
of one? And if you cut that image up into 5 rows of 6 blocks, rearrange
them into 3 rows of 10 blocks and glue them together, the result is the
picture as much as the original is?

You can choose to believe that if you want. But most people wouldn't.

OK, I did say I was done with the topic, but here you are assigning derogatory beliefs to me which I don't hold.

I never said you could rearrange the picture willy-nilly, merely that it can safely and *usefully* be serialized. Displaying a rearranged picture as you describe would be as invalid as doing the same to some code.

Now it is true that typical curly-brace languages don't require you to indent your code properly, but the fact that block-structured code leads to a natural and universal 2D representation (to an approximation, ignoring stylistic rules like tabs/spaces) has just as much validity as the 2D representation of a picture, and why I dispute the notion that block-structured code is "linear".

Now I really am done, regardless of what you write next.

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