On Sun, 17 May 2009 19:52:50 +1000, Daniel Keep
<daniel.keep.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Don wrote:
>> Do you think it might be bug 1439? (note that the test case probably
>> doesn't work any more, since Walter started hashing ultra-long mangled
>> names, but the point remains that there's a (narrow) range of symbol
>> lengths which will kill OPTLINK). Or yet another instance of bug 424? Or
>> is likely to be something else? (IE, is your code template-heavy?)
>> I can't make bug 2817 crash, and it's the only other plausible optlink
>> segfault in bugzilla.
>I don't think it's 1439.  The crash actually only shows up when I use -g
>or -gc when I'm compiling.  If I leave that off, it's fine.
>It's when I try to use tango.math.random.Random that it starts crashing.
> I can use one method from that module, it's fine.  If I try to use more
>than one, it blows up.  Note that it's quantity, not a specific symbol.
>Plus, if I compile the module with just a dummy main method, it's fine.
>It MIGHT be 424.  I'm getting the crash at EIP=004244FB.  I'm not
>getting a fixups error message, if that's part of the symptoms, though.
>My code isn't "template-heavy" (at least, not by my standards), but the
>Random module does appear to be.
>I'm toying with a little OMF dumper program at the moment.  I suppose
>that's the easiest way to see if I'm hitting the fixup limit...
>Incidentally, if Walter or yourself would like the object files causing
>the crash, I can provide those (probably via private email).  I just
>can't upload it generally since it's a private project.
>  -- Daniel

An object file was provided with this report
http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2436. But it was deemed
too complex. This bug also shows up when debug-building QtD. FWIW, QtD
uses lots of long identifiers but few templates.

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