On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 10:17:48PM +0100, mist wrote:
> On Thursday, 24 January 2013 at 21:12:41 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> >I didn't take any offense. Just stating that AA's as currently
> >implemented leaves a lot to be desired, and it's not going to improve
> >unless *somebody* takes up the challenge to fix it.
> Sure. But there are so many yummy bugs and issues hanging around D,
> it is so hard to chose among them :) By the way, could you provided
> a link to the your latest pull request on topic and related
> discussion? I remember seeing something in github notifications but
> can't find right now.

I don't have a pull request for this. It's still a *long* way to go
before it even gets close to being a pull request. But, you can look at
the code here:



The easy way is the wrong way, and the hard way is the stupid way. Pick one.

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