On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 9:16 PM, grauzone <n...@example.net> wrote:
>> 1.  Some uber-hardcore performance freaks will not even consider D if it
>> has the
>> slightest bit of performance overhead compared to C++.
> I don't understand why D should pander to C++ freaks? If they think their
> language is great, they'll just continue programming C++. Nobody cares about
> them, and they will die a sad, lonely death.
> Just look how Java/C# are taking over C++. Even if D is slightly less
> efficient, it won't interfere with D's world domination plans.
> Rather, one should avoid cloning the more annoying C++ features. (Ah yes, of
> course D makes them "better". Huh.) That's why we all use D in the first
> place.

Performance is one of the major selling points of D.  Why settle for a
language with sub-standard tools and lack of safety if you don't care
about performance?  If you don't care about performance you're
probably better off with one of those languages that runs on the JVM
or CLR.


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