On Friday, 25 January 2013 at 09:07:44 UTC, SaltySugar wrote:
On Friday, 25 January 2013 at 09:06:30 UTC, SaltySugar wrote:
Hey guys. I have a problem when building DFL.
My Console:

C:\D\dmd2\packages\dfl\examples\d2>dfl hello.d
DFL lib files not found.
Would you like to build the DFL lib files now? [Y/n]

I press y.


Compiling debug DFL...

C:\D\dmd2\import\dfl>C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd -c -debug -g -I.. all.d base.d application.d internal/dlib.d internal/clib.d internal/utf.d internal/com.d con trol.d form.d registry.d drawing.d menu.d notifyicon.d commondialog.d filedialog .d folderdialog.d panel.d textbox.d richtextbox.d picturebox.d listbox.d groupbo x.d splitter.d usercontrol.d button.d label.d collections.d internal/winapi.d in ternal/wincom.d event.d socket.d timer.d environment.d messagebox.d tooltip.d co mbobox.d treeview.d tabcontrol.d colordialog.d listview.d data.d clipboard.d fon tdialog.d progressbar.d resources.d statusbar.d imagelist.d toolbar.d application.d(1845): Deprecation: use of typedef is deprecated; use alias instea
application.d(1845): Deprecation: use of typedef is deprecated; use alias instea
internal\winapi.d(1726): Deprecation: use of typedef is deprecated; use alias in
internal\winapi.d(1726): Deprecation: use of typedef is deprecated; use alias in
socket.d(89): Error: module intrinsic is in file 'std\intrinsic.d' which cannot
be read
import path[0] = ..
import path[1] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos
import path[2] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\druntime\import


Could Not Find C:\D\dmd2\import\dfl\*.obj

DFL lib files not found.
Error: dfl_debug.lib not found

How to fix It? :( I'm using dmd 2.061
Maybe you tried to compile an old version of dfl.If yes,try this:

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