On Tuesday, 29 January 2013 at 00:56:41 UTC, Chad Joan wrote:
Would everyone be able to agree to only use @property functions as properties? This would still allow omittable parens as a way to make call-chaining and ufcs nicer.

I've been thinking and, while it may just be a side effect of my code style or my own inexperience, I honestly can't think of a situation where I'd want I'd want to use a non-@property function as an lvalue as described here.

The limitation this imposes is that
  void foo(int a) {...}
  void bar(int a, int b) {...}
cannot be called in this way:
  foo = 2;
  2.bar = 3;

As a consequence, everyone's favorite
  writeln = "lolwut";
does not compile.

Do people really do this with any degree of frequency? None of the examples I've seen read well to me, and readability of code is an important consideration when we need to represent semantic meaning with syntactic saccharides.

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