BCS wrote:
Hello Yigal,

second, D needs to update its stone age compilation model copied from
C++. I'm not saying we need to copy the C# or Java models exactly, but
we need to throw away the current legacy model.
Java has convenient Jar files: you can package everything into nice
modular packages with optional source code and documentation.
similar stuff is done in .net.

NO ABSOLUTELY NOT! (and I will /not/ apologies for yelling) I will fight that tooth and nail!

One of the best thing about D IMNSHO is that a D program is "just a collection of text files". I can, without any special tools, dive in an view or edit any file I want. I can build with nothing but dmd and a command line. I can use the the source control system of my choice. And very importantly, the normal build model produces a stand alone OS native executable. (Note: the above reasons applies to a pure D app, as for non pure D apps, your toast anyway as D or the other language will have to fit in the opposite language's model and something will always leak. The best bet in that system is the simplest system possible and that to is "just text files".

hmm. that is *not* what I was suggesting.
I was discussing the compilation model and the object file problems.
D promises link-time compatibility with C but that's bullshit - you can't link on windows obj files for C and object files for D _unless_ you use the same compiler vendor (DMD & DMC) or you use some conversion tool and that doesn't always work. obj files are arcane. each Platform has its own format and some platforms have more than one format (windows).
compare to Java where your class files will run on any machine.

I'm not suggesting coping Java's model letter for letter or using a VM either, but rather using a better representation.

one other thing, this thread discusses also the VS project files. This is completely irrelevant. those XML files are VS specific and their complexity is MS' problem. Nothing prevents a developer from using different build tools like make, rake or scons with their C# sources since VS comes with a command line compiler. the issue is not the build tool but rather the compilation model itself.

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