Eko Wahyudin wrote:
Hi, guys? I'm new in D and I come from pascal. The constructor
concept is very different, and it's very confusing for me.

I want to create some statement in D which in pascal like this.

      TMyObjectAClass = class of TMyObject_A;   // number 1

      TMyObject_A = class
         constructor Create(AString : String);

      TMyObject_B = class(TMyObject_A)
         constructor Create(AString : String); override;

      TMyObject_C = class(TMyObject_A)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

function Foo(AClass: TMyObjectAClass): TMyObject_A;
     Result:= AClass.Create(AClass.ClassName);  //number 2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     B : TMyObject_B;
     C : TMyObject_C;
     B:= Foo(TMyObject_B);  //number 3
     C:= Foo(TMyObject_C);

Question 1> How I can make a data type "class of" in D language
Question 2> How to convert number 2, in D language.
Question 3> How I passing a "class type" as argument like number
3, and if D can do same thing like pascal, which one is called by
D, TMyObject_A.Create() or TMyObject_B.Create() ? In pascal It
should be call TMyObject_B.Create() first

"class of" in Delphi/OP means type or subtype of a class. You can use template parameters in D to pass "class of":

// T : A means any type T that is equivalent to A or is subtype of A
A foo(T : A)()
    return new T(T.stringof);

B b;
C c;

b = foo!B();
c = foo!C();

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