On Tue, 05 Feb 2013 19:39:55 -0500, Timon Gehr <timon.g...@gmx.ch> wrote:

As my posts in the DIP23 thread have been left unanswered, I have prepared a counter proposal for DIP23 during the last hour.

Everything DIP23 addresses is specified in the two short sub-sections "Optional parens" and "@property: basic design".

Those in favour of what was called "semantic rewrites" in the DIP23 thread should probably read on further.

All parts of this proposal are independent of DIP24 (which Andrei is preparing).


There are almost no examples yet, but in case it is not clear how some case would be handled, feel free to ask.

(Also feel free to fix the formatting.)

Has my vote.  For what it's worth :)

One thing that should be clarified, you should explicitly say "member function (static or instance)" instead of just member function. The "optional this" kind of takes care of it, but you have to read it carefully to get that. I think it should be more straightforward.


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