Denis Koroskin wrote:
On Mon, 18 May 2009 20:12:40 +0400, Andrei Alexandrescu <> wrote:

Ok, now with the advent (or rediscovery) of allMembers which I had no idea existed, we're ready to start some serious butt-kick reflection facilities.

For starters, I'd like to present you with the following challenge. Given any class C, e.g.:

class C
     void foo(int) { ... }
     int bar(string) { ... }

define a template class Finalize(T) such that Finalize!(C) is the same as the following hand-written class:

final class FinalizeC : C
     final void foo(int a) { return; }
     final int bar(string a) { return; }

Finalize is cool when you need some functionality from an exact class and you don't want to pay indirect calls throughout. All calls through Finalize!(C)'s methods will resolve to static calls.

Have at it!


template Finalize(T)
   final class Finalize : T
       this(Args...)(Args args)

The following code /should/ work as you ask. There is no need to iterate over all the methods and make a final version out of it for two reasons
1) It is redundant
2) It creates an additional overhead

unless that's was you *really* need.

Future work: Finalize!(T) should resolve to T iff T is already final.

Good point! Now define Unfinalize that opens the final methods of a class for method overriding.

class A
    final int foo(string) { ... }

class UnfinalizeA : A
    int foo(string a) { return; }


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