On Monday, 11 February 2013 at 16:56:38 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
On Monday, 11 February 2013 at 16:51:22 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Mon, 11 Feb 2013 10:08:52 -0500, deadalnix <deadal...@gmail.com> wrote:

A good rule of thumb to know when to pass by ref for perf is :
- The struct is big, or contains mixed entities (floats and ints). 2*size_t seems like a good heuristic from my experience.

Array slices are 2*sizeof(size_t). I would expect them to be always copied and not ref'd.

First, they alway appears to be copied from the dev perspective. That why I put bunch of restrictions in the proposal.

Second, slice are 2*size_t and are not mixed entities (from CPU perspective, pointer are integers). So I don't have numbers, but I expect slice to be faster when passed by copy than when passed by ref.

The idea of compiler choosing the optimal between: 'T t' and 'ref const(T) t' has been brought up a few times. Here is one attempt at getting numbers to see where a cutoff might be.


Based on this, and to avoid the boilerplate of read accessors, I use the following heuristic. If others have more friendly ways I'd be interested.


/** Discriminates a pass type by its size
template PrefersPassByRef(T) {
  static if(isAssociativeArray!T || isDynamicArray!T) {
    enum PrefersPassByRef = false;
  } else static if(T.sizeof > 16 || hasAliasing!T)  {
    enum PrefersPassByRef = true;
  } else {
    enum PrefersPassByRef = false;

/** Discriminates a pass type by its size
template PreferredPassType(T) {
  static if(PrefersPassByRef!T) {
    enum PreferredPassType = `const ref `~T.stringof;
  } else {
    enum PreferredPassType = T.stringof;

/** Provides mixin for making a field read only.
* For example mixin(ReadOnly!_fieldName) provides a getter named fieldName.
template ReadOnly(alias name) {
  enum v = name.stringof;
  enum p = name.stringof[1..$];
  enum prefersReference = PrefersPassByRef!(typeof(name));
  static if(prefersReference) {
public @property auto ref `~p~`() const {
  return `~v~`;
  } else {
public @property auto `~p~`() const {
  return `~v~`;

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