On Thursday, 14 February 2013 at 13:14:47 UTC, Gopan wrote:
Dear Friends,

I have a callback function which will be called back so many times, say at every second for a week.

void TimerCallback(int number)

    if(number == MY_MAGIC_NUMBER)
I have been waiting for this so far. Now, I have got want I want. So, I don't want to execute the the above if condition for further callbacks.

        IS THERE ANY TECHNIQUE by which I can say HERE that,
from Statement_1, the control can directly go to Statement_3,
        skipping the evaluation of the above if condition?
        If it is not possible, is it a limitation at the
        micro-processor architecture level?


Thank you.

Not internally to the function, no.

In truth, there's no need to do this. Branch prediction (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branch_predictor) should reduce the cost hugely. Also, a comparison is only going to be 1 cycle, saving a single cycle per second is irrelevant.

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