15-Feb-2013 12:29, Jacob Carlborg пишет:
On 2013-02-15 07:29, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

It could then the only roadblock is dependency on Tango.
The only problem I had with serialization is that it's like using huge
module to do the "dump this struct in JSON" kind of thing that's doable
in 20-30 lines.

It's not huge. I already had the serialization library available. Not
using it would be stupid.
Having 30k+ lines of code just to get the time _is_ huge.

With through unittests being about 50% of the said code...
Plus it's not get the time (nobody stops you from calling gettimeofday of POSIX)
and calendar/timezones stuff is ridiculously hard to get right,
I for one wouldn't try to re-implement it.

That being said I like slim stuff with no baggage and yes, std.datetime is huge.

Dumping anything to JSON and back is an easy task in D, see e.g. this one:

That's why I asked what _exactly_ of serialization (as in capabilities) is required.

In the option b Anyway the comment about porting from Tango still

Just because you guys are too stubborn to include it in the distribution.

Nice touch, "you guys" is very assuming.
IMHO (personal opinion) the problems boil down to the fact that Tango:

a) Still has incompatible license-wise
b) Half of it is already doable (if not better) in Phobos
c) Has largely incompatible interface and design
d) Somebody got to maintain it in the official repo too

Of the above I think a) and d) are the key ones.

Dmitry Olshansky

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