Am 17.02.2013, 10:24 Uhr, schrieb Russel Winder:
On Sun, 2013-02-17 at 09:12 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

I agree about the non-optimal syntax, but it comes down to nicer syntax
(where JSON at least is not _too_ bad) vs. standard format (familiarity,
data exchange, proven design and implementation). And while data

Peter's point is more important than the above response indicates.

I think so too. And I don't believe that it will stay by a few lines
only because the demands will increase in the course of time. Think
about including C/C++ compiler, a project manager etc.

With a syntax as I suggested or something similar everything is mapped
direct onto an AA and is easily scanned by the build system or other

Regarding json: It is designed for data exchange between different
sources, not to be edited by people. It is too annoying and error-
prone to wrap each string into quotes. And people have to edit the
configuration file. Better to start in a well suited format.


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