On Sun, 17 Feb 2013 11:06:40 -0800, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:

On 2013-02-17 20:00, Adam Wilson wrote:

If you're looking for something that is as easy to use as WPF with as
much power, you won't find it in the open-source world. WPF is over
40,000 classes strong, and while Open-Source is generally good for large
systems projects WPF requires some specialized knowledge to pull off
with any success. I have the graphics training required and I would love
to get started on a WPF for D but given that it is such a huge
undertaking i'd need help, if you're interested in helping let me know.
I'd love to put together a team and starting hacking out some code....

I've been thinking for a long time to try and serialize widgets in DWT. And then build a tool for graphically creating GUIs. I guess that's similar to how XAML works.

It is similar yes. In WPF, XAML is specialized XML that is deserialized at compile-time and translated into C#/VB.NET etc. In Silverlight/WinRT it is deserialized at runtime. I think for D compile-time deserialization makes sense for two reasons. The first is that you get more flexibility to work around D's lack of the deep reflection capabilites of .NET. The second is that as good as XAML is, it is ridiculously verbose. Creating a purpose-built DSL would be a much more efficient implementation idea IMHO. This would also make it much easier to re-target the GUI language and libraries to other languages.

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
Project Coordinator
The Horizon Project

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