On Tue, 19 Feb 2013 08:15:16 +0100
"Dicebot" <m.stras...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Monday, 18 February 2013 at 23:16:11 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
> wrote:
> > 
> > You sound biased.

So do you.

There, that was constructive ;)

> It is possible, but if you have a single language to deal with 
> and a lot of OSes, your cases is probably a minority and few OSes 
> with lot of languages are more relevant. I use 4 OSes in daily 
> workflow too and I honestly can't imagine how can you use one 
> without learning package manager in details anyway. Sorry, but is 
> sounds completely ignorant.
> > Other people have even more than that, and it doesn't help 
> > anyone to
> > have a totally different set of instructions for doing the same
> > damn thing each one. *I* can install any version of DMD I want 
> > on any
> > of my systems by doing this:
> >
> > dvm install 2.0xx
> And it is one more command to know as your supposed to know your 
> package manager _anyway_. It is a damn first thing to learn about 
> your distro.

Don't twist my words around. I never said anything about not learning
the OS package manager.

The issue is, if I'm going to do the same thing on multiple systems,
there's no reason it can't be doable the same way, and there's no
benefit to having it be completely different.

So yea, I could install DMD, for example, a totally different way on
different systems, but why should I when I can just do "dvm install
xxxxx" on *all* the systems?

And to top it off, imagine trying to do that as part of a bigger
script. I could write totally different scripts for each different
system just to do the same stupid thing, or one big script with tons of
platform-specific branches, or instead, I could use lanaguage-oriented
stuff like DVM/Dub/etc, avoid OS-specific stuff, and use the same
single script everywhere. Yea, how horrible.

Why do you prefer making extra work for yourself? Some puritanical
ideal of "If I'm on x OS I *have* to use the stuff that only
works there"? And don't tell me it's because you don't want to have
to learn a few extra trivial commands, because you're doing *plenty* of
complaining here about how completely ridiculous you think it is to
avoid learning a few more easy commands. (Nevermind that you're also the
only one who's actually objected to having to learn commands, in the
same post nonetheless.)

> And if you think that large 
> HDDs is a reason to package boost libs for hundreds of times, 
> than I need to thank very same fucked up logic for having Core i7 
> sometimes behave as slow as 10 year old Celeron on trivial 
> applications.

If you're just going to resort to obvious hyperbole, there's no point
in dealing with you.

> P.S. gems are Ruby, not Python

Whatever python's package manager is called. It's been awhile since
I touched it, or Python or Ruby.

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