On Mon, 18 May 2009 20:05:14 -0600, Rainer Deyke wrote:

> Bill Baxter wrote:
> Although non-inclusive ranges are common enough that they deserve their
> own syntax, I think inclusive ranges are *also* important enough to
> deserve their own syntax.  Writing '+1' is often error-prone or even
> just plain wrong (such as when it leads to integer overflow).


> I favor the syntax 'a ... b' for inclusive ranges.  It's easy to read
> and similar to 'a .. b' without being too similar.  It does require the
> programmer to pay attention, but that's unavoidable.  From there, it
> naturally follows that 'case's in a 'switch' statement should follow the
> same convention.

Sorry, but I don't share your sense of "easy to read" here. The eye can
glaze over the third dot very easily and just not notice it.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
skype: derek.j.parnell

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