On Sun, 24 Feb 2013 11:43:24 -0800, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> @"v2.070+" import std.process;
> Better yet, @">v.2070". So that later on it can be extended to @">v2.070
> <v2.084", etc.. But I don't know if it's a good idea to push it that
> far...

Now that I think about it more, this is not an import-level issue.  It's 
a package management/build-tool issue.  If your package manager knows 
that you depend on phobos >= 2 && phobos <= 3, and can install them in a 
local build dir, when the global version doesn't match, then all of these 
problems go away.

You also gain a lot from that: package managers know about inter-package 
dependencies; much more complex dependencies (even dependencies unknown 
to the author of a program at the time) can be handled automatically; 
there's no need to worry about whether std.process is version 1 or 2, or 
even if it's the one that originally came with phobos2, etc.


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