Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
bearophile wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu:

Thank you for bringing a "real" example that gives something to work on.


Well, one of your cases was wrong. Using the +1 at the end one of those cases become:
case 'A' .. 'Z'+1, 'a' .. 'z'+1:
Instead of what you have written:
case 'A' .. 'Z'+1: case 'a' .. 'z'+1:

I agree that that syntax with +1 isn't very nice looking. But the advantage of +1 is that it introduces (almost) no new syntax, it's not easy to miss, its meaning is easy to understand. AND you don't have to remember that in a case the .. is inclusive while in foreach is exclusive on the right, keeping the standard way in D to denote ranges.

You don't understand. My point is not that people will dislike 'Z'+1. They will FORGET TO WRITE THE BLESSED +1. They'll write:

case 'A' .. 'Z':

You know, Ruby solves this by introducing a “seperate” range syntax for exclusive ranges: “...”. An inclusive range is written the same as an exclusive range in D: “..”.

a[1 .. 2].length #=> 1 ([a[1]])
a[1 ... 2].length #=> 2 ([a[1], a[2]])

I see no reason not to include such a seperate syntax in D. “..” being exclusive and “...” being inclusive, not the other way round as in Ruby — see “Programmer’s Paradox” @ .

Kind regards, Alex

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