On 2013-02-26 21:24, H. S. Teoh wrote:

But D's built-in unittests, for all their warts and shortcoming, have
the benefit of being right there, ready to use, and guaranteed to be
runnable by whoever is compiling the code (don't have to worry about
people not having Expect/python/whatever installed, so contributors have
no excuse to not run them, etc.).

I think that is one of the problems with unit tests in D. I don't know how to run them. It's just the -unittest flag, but that's not enough.

* How do I run all the unit test in all of my files? Some will have a shell script called "test.sh", some will call it "unittest.sh". How do I then run the test on Windows, I can run Bash scripts on Windows. Some will have a D file "test.d", what the h*ll should I do with that? Compile it? run it using RDMD?

* How do I run a single test?
* How do I run a subset of the tests?

The questions go on.

Using Ruby on Rails, the first thing I see when I clone a repository is either a "test" or a "spec" folder. These are run using "rake test" or "rake spec". All projects using these frameworks support running all test, a single test and a subset of test. And it's the same commands on for all projects on all platforms.

/Jacob Carlborg

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