On Fri, 01 Mar 2013 18:05:12 -0500, Namespace <rswhi...@googlemail.com> wrote:

I know about 'auto ref'. Nice try but ... ;)

Nice try? I don't get this. It was supposed to be the analogue to C++ rvalue references, Walter did not implement it as Andrei expected (AIUI). He made it a (admittedly useful) template feature.

Need fine control over lifetime?
scope and scoped give you the possibility to put a class instance on the stack so you have also controll over the instance lifetime.
-> No reason for struct.

scoped is implemented via a struct...

Interfaces, well, but I'm sure you can live without them sometimes.

OK, so by eliminating my use cases that are problematic for your theory, yes, I guess I can base all my decisions on size ;)


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