Hi people.

So I've been AWOL a while, and I'll still be intermittent for some weeks
yet, but I'm trying to work on std.simd and also my dconf talks in any gaps
I can.
However, in order to do a thorough job, I'm missing some tools. I wonder if
anyone can help me out...?

I need to do some rather strenuous testing of SIMD code gen in D, to make
sure I don't make mistakes and/or lie.

This requires testing against as many compilers+architectures as I can.
I have barely any internet access to speak of, I don't really know how, and
I also don't run linux, so I can't practically build myself a suite of
toolchains to work with >_<

Ideally, I would really like all these toolchains:
 GDC: x86, x64, ARM, PPC, MIPS, SH4 <- common toolchains
 LDC: x86, x64, ARM, PPC <- used by apple

I wonder if anyone with know-how building GDC or LDC for windows could help
me out by producing as many of these in binary as possible?

As a side note, I think it would be really valuable to keep a cache of such
windows binaries somewhere on the net anyway, so anyone working on foreign
platforms can get to work and actually focus on platform support, without
wasting all their time learning how to build these toolchains.

I think Daniel Green who usually builds the windows GDC toolchains actually
builds them from linux? (which seems weird to me)

Cheers people!

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