On Monday, 11 March 2013 at 10:55:50 UTC, Namespace wrote:
On Sunday, 10 March 2013 at 19:27:01 UTC, Namespace wrote:
But you could prohibit any manipulation of a '&' parameter. Eg. you could make him 'scope' by default (if 'scope' will work someday).

A better solution would be to require that a Parameter with '&' need 'const scope' as storage class.
So the syntax would be:
void foo(in A& a) {
In my opinion, there is then no reason to worry about whether it is an lvalue or an rvalue. It cannot be changed or referenced.

void foo(A& a) {
without const scope would cause an error like : "Error: '&' requires const scope."

AFAIK the syntax 'in ref' was suggested by Kenji but was rejected for some reasons.

Your point reminds me of the fact that D has no "inline" or "register" keywords. You probably couldn't pick better experts than the D compiler builders for deciding whether or not those two keywords are necessary. I guess there's not a clear solution to this question, or it would have been settled a while ago. Maybe it should be called the "performance ref" issue, to distinguish it from other ref issues, "@safe ref", "auto ref", etc.

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