On 22.03.2013 00:36, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On Thu, 21 Mar 2013 23:37:06 +0100
torhu <no@spam.invalid> wrote:

You're mixing binary and text mode functions.  read() is binary,
stdout.write() is text mode.  And yes, you are asking for newlines to
be messed with, as File.write is documented to write in text mode.

But I agree that the docs need improvement.  And maybe the API.

You're missing the point. The point is that the "text mode" is
bug-prone, grossly obsolete, and completely useless and therefore should
absolutely not be the default, *if* it has any reason to even exist at

Text mode isn't going away, I don't know where you'd get that idea from. I'm sure Microsoft wants Linux to go away, too. If you want a to finance a FUD campaign to hurt the reputation of text mode, be my guest. Or keep on ranting, who's gonna stop you.

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