On 28-03-2013 21:03, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
I was working on a project earlier today that stores IP addresses in a
database as a uint. For some reason though, some addresses were coming
out as, despite the fact that if(ip == 0) return; in the only
place it actually saves them (which was my first attempted quick fix for
the bug).

Turns out the problem was this:

if (arg == typeid(uint)) {
     int e = va_arg!uint(_argptr);
     a = to!string(e);

See, I copy/pasted it from the int check, but didn't update the type on
the left hand side. So it correctly pulled a uint out of the varargs,
but then assigned it to an int, which the compiler accepted silently, so
to!string() printed -blah instead of bigblah... which then got truncated
by the database, resulting in zero being stored.

I've since changed it to be "auto e = ..." and it all works correctly now.

Anyway I thought I'd share this just because one of the many times
bearophile has talked about this as a potentially buggy situation, I was
like "bah humbug"... and now I've actually been there!

I still don't think I'm for changing the language though just because of
potential annoyances in other places unsigned works (such as
array.length) but at least I've actually felt the other side of the
argument in real world code now.

This is exactly why many new languages only allow implicit integer conversions where the target type is strictly a >= type with the same sign, i.e. uint -> ulong, short -> int, and so on.

It is indeed very unfortunate that we have these dangerous implicit conversions in D. I would welcome a change to remove them (because it would likely catch real bugs in many cases).

... And, you know, many other changes to the language/compiler over the last couple of releases have broken plenty of my code. I wonder when we'll finally say "this is the D programming language, period". The current situation where some breaking changes are perfectly OK while others are not is kind of ridiculous.

I'm personally in favor of fixing some of the serious issues we have in the language once and for all and then *finally* stabilizing the language. It's ridiculous that we claim the language to be stable (or stabilizing) while we're still actively breaking real code to fix language issues. Fixing language issues is good and we should do it more so we can actually get to a point where we can call D stable. The current situation where some changes get blocked because the reviewer happens to be in a "D is stable" mood is -- sorry, but really -- stupid.

I used to even tell people "we're stabilizing D" when they ask why we don't fix some particular language design issue. I don't anymore, because I realized just how ridiculous this situation has gotten.

Well... end of rant.

Alex Rønne Petersen
a...@alexrp.com / a...@lycus.org
http://alexrp.com / http://lycus.org

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