Georg Wrede wrote:
Not cosidering D or programming, the notion of a range implies a beginning and an end.

Actually, not. Infinity is a primitive notion with ranges. A range that defines empty like this:

enum bool empty = false;

is detected as infinite and treated accordingly by certain other ranges and algorithms. See isInfinite in std.range.

So, in a certain sense, ranges could be conceptualized as slices.

Yes, slices were a motivator and model for ranges.

All's well, and everything. But, things like input streams don't really support the notion of "range", or "slice". They don't even want to.

Why don't they?

Sure, one could "coerce" or "forge" an input range to pretend some manner of them, but that would be awkward at best, and laborios in practice.

What would be a natural interface for an input range?

Does that mean that I'm against ranges? No. But there might be the possibility that ranges are not a panacea. Just as Structured Programming wasn't (look at Walter's gotos all over the place), OOP wasn't, Functional Programming wasn't, or that metaprogramming doesn't tell us whether God exists. Ranges solve some gargantuan problems in Modern Programming, but I don't expect them to usurp a dozen of other paradigms.

For sure nobody cracked them to be that great. I think you perceive them as an imposition when they really are some rather unremarkable types with at most a handful of primitives.

Could it be that the optimum would be to have /both/ ranges and, ehhh, pointing notions?

Today, no sane programmer (outside of C or outside of Java) would make his application /entirely/ ranges or /entirely/ classes.

I don't quite understand this. Ranges are a very simple abstraction for iteration. They show how other iteration abstractions either were too unsafe and verbose (C++/STL) or too bare-bones (C# iterators, Java iterators, singly-linked lists used by functional languages), so in that regard I think they hit the spot pretty nicely. Ranges are useful, but hardly a be-all end-all. Thinking of building an application entirely of ranges... I can't quite parse that.


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