01-Apr-2013 15:08, Lars T. Kyllingstad пишет:
It's time to clean up this mess.


Overall neat.

1. Where to define this hierarchy.
Captain the obvious says std.exception, but can we fit all of them there?

2. ProcessException is IMHO a system exception. Plus some RTOses systems may not have processes in the usaul POSIX sense. It needs some thought.

3. I assume that NetworkingException should rather be NetworkException. Not only that but I truly hope it deals with network-only events (like resolver errors, host unreachable etc.) not with normal I/O Exceptions happening on sockets. It could get tricky to separate the two on some OSes.

4. A quiz as an extension of 3 - where a e.g. serial port exceptions would fit in this hierarchy? Including Parity errors, data overrun etc.
Let's think a bit ahead and pick names wisely.
Maybe turn NetworkException --> Comm(unication)Exception, I dunno.

5. Continuing the above - a failed call (in-system) of a general purpose IPC library would be a ... SystemException? A network exception? Should it matter to the user?

6. I like ParseException. Wondering if could be generalized a bit - in a sense it's a "bad format"/"malformed" exception. For instance corrupt DB file reporting ParseException (= bad format) is rather wacky.

7. DocParseExcpetion ---> TextParseException there is a notion of a binary "document" (e.g. BSON databases like Mongo DB).

8. For IOExcpetion we might consider adding an indication on which file handle the problem happened and/or if it's closed/invalid/"mostly fine" that.

That's it so far. We'll see if there is more ;)
Dmitry Olshansky

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