On Tue, 02 Apr 2013 01:59:13 -0400, Luís Marques <luismarq...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 April 2013 at 04:48:54 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
HOWEVER, there is one horrible caveat. You must have assigned an element at least once in order to alias:

Thanks Steve, I had already looked into that, but then got dense and I was treating the AA as having value semantics. I don't need the pointer.

Is there a way to ensure the AA is initialized as not null, besides adding and removing an element? (I couldn't use a literal)

Not sure.  Looking...  can't find anything.

So no.  There really should be.

Is the null initializer a consequence of the current opaque implementation, or just of the reference semantics? (I saw on the wiki that there was a desire to use a less opaque implementation. I think the AA ABI should be documented, like the other arrays)

The AA ABI is defined by druntime in object.di. AA's are currently a hybrid between a compiler-magic type and a template. The plan is to make it completely a template, that is, the compiler simply always treats T[U] as AssociativeArray!(T, U).

The null initializer is a result of D's policy on struct initialization. Default constructors are not allowed on structs, they must be able to be initialized with static data when declared without a constructor.

Slightly related, it doesn't seem very reasonable to me that the get method of AAs is not safe:


void main()
     int[string] x;
     x.get("b", 0);

Error: safe function 'D main' cannot call system function 'object.AssociativeArray!(string, int).AssociativeArray.get'

Someone (can't remember who) went through a lot of effort to try and re-implement AAs as object.AssociativeArray and ran into a lot of problems with things like @safe and pure. It really should be @safe, but I don't know if there was a specific reason why it wasn't tagged that way.


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