On 04/03/2013 10:01 AM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 03, 2013 at 09:19:24AM -0700, Ali Çehreli wrote:

>> Because the above is not the case today, if I write a function, I
>> cannot put the function pre-conditions in 'in' blocks because I don't
>> know whether my function is being called as an implementation of my
>> module or as an API function. The API function foo() may also be used
>> as part of the implementation of the same module. (Maybe the same
>> pre-condition checks should be repeated in the 'in' block and in the
>> body; as asserts and corresponding enforces.)
> This is very bad. It makes greatly diminishes the value of DbC in D.
> What are the obstacles preventing us from fixing DMD so that contracts
> are compiled with user code instead of library code?

The following thread is relevant but I don't remember whether it touches issues with dmd:



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