On Friday, 5 April 2013 at 01:26:27 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
But I would point out that the bugs that you listed are not at really related to this discussion. They're about dmd running out of memory when compiling, and it's running out of memory not because it needs 64-bit to have enough memory or because size_t is signed (because it is) but because it doesn't reuse memory like it's supposed to. It generally just eats more without releasing it properly. It should be perfectly possible for a 32-bit dmd to compile those programs without running out of memory. And if that issue has anything to do with this discussion, it would be to point out that dmd's
problems would be made worse by making size_t signed

How is that if the problem is not in size_t? If dmd would need a large array, it won't be possible to solve by properly releasing memory: if the array is needed, no matter what you release, nothing you can do with that array. The issues show a real memory consumption mechanics: in a case, when an application needs gigabytes, it won't stop at 4 gigs just *because* there is 32-bit limit, so if uint buys you anything, it's too negligible to be considered: it's much easier to migrate to 64-bit than playing russian roulette pushing limits of 32-bit and see whether you hit them.

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