On 2013-04-08 10:15, Manu wrote:

... I don't think that's actually true. Can you suggest such a character
in any language? I think they take that sort of thing into careful
consideration when designing the codepoints for a character set.
But if that is the case, then a function called toUpperInPlace is flawed
by design, because it would be incapable of doing what it says it does.
I'm not convinced that's true though.

The German double "s" (ß) in uppercase form should be "SS". That consists of two characters. There's also something similar with the Turkic "I" with a dot.

Here's the full list of special casings:


You should also read this:


Shows some nasty corner cases with Unicode.

Short summary: encodings are PITA.

/Jacob Carlborg

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