On 04/12/2013 04:00 PM, bearophile wrote:

> This is one of the few C++14 core language proposals that seem
> interesting for D:
> http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/docs/papers/2013/n3602.html
> The purpose of this idea is to avoid the helper functions that are
> currently used in D to build template structs/classes. Even if this
> feature is restricted to only a subset of all the templated
> structs/classes it seems useful to avoid some boilerplate code.
> Is this idea adaptable to D?
> Bye,
> bearophile

This has come up multiple times before, most recently on the D.learn forum. My reaction is that what if the constructor is also a template? Or what if only the constructor is a template?

To paraphrase Steven Schveighoffer:

- if only the type is a template then the constructor parameters are used for deducing the template parameters of the type

- if only the constructor is a template, then the constructor parameters are used for deducing the template parameters of the constructor

- if both are templates then it is an ambiguity

I still think that the code will be confusing. If the proposal is implemented, the two lines in main below will look the same but will have different meanings:

import std.stdio;

// Today:
struct S
    this(T)(T param)
        writefln("constructing with %s", T.stringof);

// Proposed:
struct S2(T)
    this(T param)
        writefln("constructing S2!%s", T.stringof);

void main()
    /* Can we tell by reading the following code whether S or S2 is a
     * template, or whether the constructor of one of them is a
     * template? Do we care? */
    auto s = S(42);
    auto s2 = S2(43); // This is proposed; not valid yet.

Note that the C++ proposal does not touch on this point.


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