On Tuesday, 16 April 2013 at 15:22:56 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
There's a discussion that may be of interest to the larger community: https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/pull/1877


I'm not convinced that specifying the exact return type is such a huge inconvenience to those who use separate compilation.

I don't view this as an inconsistency, but definitely a change to why one might choose to use auto.

I'm pretty much for this change. However, I also think it would be good to introduce attributes to specify a throwing function as it would have uses in a file headed with


I'd suggest the same for pure, but 'nopure' isn't the greatest of names. Anyway it is the same reason we have @system, I'd just hope they don't get added as @throws and @nopure as that would be inconsistent.

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