"Look how this issue could be solved for 'general' gtk+. As GtkD is a wrapper on gtk+, the answer to your question should not be D-specific."

Hmmm ...
Thanks, but I'm not sure is it a real bug.

"If you are not doing so already, try returning false from the function you pass to addOnButtonPress so it doesn't stop the event from propagating."

Better ...
But it isn't exactly solved my problem ...

I created a simple window without decorations, and I added the Notebook to the window. I want to add the ability to move the window after capturing the left mouse button press event on Notebook.

When I return true I can only move window.
When I return false I can move window and switch between tabs.
I can't reorder my tabs. I can do it after comment out the line with addOnButtonPress ().

My code is:
Compiled successful ...

Is it a bug ?
I think it's my mistake ...

Sorry for my English.

Thanks for your help.

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