On 4/23/13 3:07 AM, Namespace wrote:
On Tuesday, 23 April 2013 at 03:30:35 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Previous discussions:



I still like the Idea of DIP 36 (http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP36) with scope
ref / in ref. On this link we have also collected several other
suggested syntaxes.
But maybe we should discuss first, if auto ref could work for
This would mean that
1. auto ref generate code bloat for non-templates (doubled the function
2^n times)
2. auto ref works like scope ref would do (create a temporary lvalue and
pass this to the function). But that would mean that auto ref work
differently for templates and non-templates (maybe a problem?). If we
choose this we should also discuss about the lifetime of the temporary:
foo(auto ref A a) { }

// should then converted to
A __temp = A();
foo(__temp); // after this, __temp is destroyed
3. the compiler choose if an argument should be passed by ref, by value
or should be moved.
For example:
A a = A(42);
foo(a); // by ref
foo(A(23)); // move

That's on the mark. We need to make auto ref work with non-templates as well as templates, safely. The implementation mechanics may be different. Lifetime of temporaries is an important detail. I discuss such in http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=9238 but I never had the time to finish it.


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