On Friday, 26 April 2013 at 21:01:17 UTC, Brian Schott wrote:
On Friday, 26 April 2013 at 06:01:27 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
The real issue is do you want to have the implicit conversions:

0 => false
1 => true

or would you require a cast?

The idea of a "true number" and a "false number" doesn't make sense, so yes.

I find the current implementation perfectly intuitive and I wouldn´t want it any other way... it models the underlying hardware, just the way it should be.

Sometimes due to bad coding standards I´m forced to write...
if((.....long expression with not immediately apparent operator precedence)!=0) ... absolutely appalling, kills readability with extra () etc. doesn´t matter how many years, I was forced to do it, I still cringe every time I see a line like that and itch to rewrite it more readable.

I also dont know any book(including Knuth), nor online article, which doesn´t clearly define it as 0,1... am very confused by the reactions in this thread, is my background so different from everyone elses?

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