On 2013-04-29, 17:34, Idan Arye wrote:

On Monday, 29 April 2013 at 12:23:04 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
On Sunday, 28 April 2013 at 16:33:19 UTC, Idan Arye wrote:
When you use `std.typecons.Nullable` with a type that already accept `null` values, you get two types of nulls - the `Nullable`'s null state the the regular type's `null`:

   Nullable!string a;
   writeln(a.isNull()); //prints "true"
   a = null;
   writeln(a.isNull()); //prints "false"
   writeln(a.isNull()); //prints "true"

All types should be non nullable. Problem solved.

*All* types? Even object references and pointers?

That would be nice, yes.


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