On Sunday, 5 May 2013 at 16:21:37 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
No, you won't be able to reach any of this anyway. Move semantic is already cleanly implemented in D, so the C++ mess is irrelevant here.


- You want to avoid creating copies, when this isn't necessary. In this case, this is a performance reason, and binding to rvalue make sense.

Not necessarily performance reason on its own, copy construction of given object may have an undesired side effects. Or it may be even some singleton'ish object.

Having a singleton as a value type, and not marking the postblit as @disable is asking for trouble in general, nothing specific to the discussion here.

Yes, sure, but you will still use ref if you want ( don't ask why :) ) to use it as an argument to a function and not because of performance but because it is only option. I was objecting to stating that "avoiding copies" -> "performance reasons".

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